Sandwich Panel Tilt Anchor

Sandwich Panel Tilt Anchors

These anchors are designed for lifting and tilting insulated sandwich panels and twin wall systems. They prevent damage to the edge of the precast units whilst turning and with the addition of the required anchorage reinforcement dissipate forces imposed by lifting process over a large area, making them ideal for use in panels with thin sections.

Product Code Depth (mm) Width (mm) Capacity Tension (kg) Capacity Shear (kg) Pack Size
LASPTU050 80 150 3600 2000 25
LASPTU100 120 150 7000 2350 25
  • Data Sheet

    Guidance on Choice of Anchor (Download)

    Sandwich Panel Tilt Anchor Data Sheet (Download)

  • Technical Manual

    Spread Anchor System Technical Manual (Download)

  • Certificates

    UK Test Certificate Example (Download)

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