Betopro® CP 2240

Betopro® CP 2240

Concrete Retarder 

Enhancing Concrete Surfaces with Precision. This sprayable surface retarder offers a washing depth of 4-6 mm, perfect for detailed designs. With washing capabilities lasting up to 72 hours, it's ideal for indoor and outdoor applications. Non-flammable, solvent-free, and odourless, Betopro® CP2240 ensures safety and comfort during use. Highly visible on concrete surfaces, it's suitable for the top side of freshly poured concrete. Composed of over 95% renewable raw materials, it's environmentally friendly and readily biodegradable. This ready-to-use product is very sprayable, ensuring easy application


• Sprayable surface retarder to be applied to the concrete surface (positive use)

Product Code Container Size (ltr)
ERPR-D Drum 20
ERPR-B Barrel 210
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