Heave Stopper

Heave Stopper

Protecting structures against clay heave and ground movement

Groundbeams and slabs can be cracked by the pressure that ground movement causes when concrete foundations are built on shrinkable soils such as clay and expansive shale soils, or when development is on reclaimed land or subject to ground recovery caused by deep excavations. The structural damage caused by clay is well understood by engineers and designers all over the world. Here in the UK the problem is particularly acute in the South East although climate change is having its effect on soils in other parts of the country.

Soil Analysis Result (Plasticity Index) NHBC Category (Shrinkage potential) Predicted Ground Movement potential or BRE/NHBC requirement (Void) Heave Stopper Thickness (mm)
10 - 20 Low 50mm 60mm
20 - 40 Medium 100mm 110mm
40 - 60 High 150mm 160mm


The technical and cost benefits of Heave Stopper make it the complete solution for void creation.

  • BBA approved
  • Meets the technical requirements of the NHBC
  • Suitable for beams & slabs
  • Cost effective with additional savings on excavation depths, blinding layer and no requirement to blind over boards
  • The slimmest method of void creation means less excavation
  • A perfect solution for contaminated land and brownfield sites
  • Ideal for sites with restricted access
  • Lowest possible forces transmitted to the structure
  • Creates a void in excess of the specified requirements
Whiterock Construction Products
  • Data Sheet

    Heave Stopper Data Sheet (Download)

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