Betopro® MN 2650

Betopro® MN 2650

Concrete Retarder 

This surface retarder paste revolutionises negative mould use, offering a washing depth of 4-6 mm for intricate detailing. With washing out capabilities lasting up to 72 hours, it's perfect for indoor applications. Suitable for steel, wood, polyurethane, and polystyrene mould edges, it's safe for use and environmentally friendly. Non-flammable, solvent-free, and low odour, Betopro® MN2650 contains over 95% renewable raw materials, ensuring sustainability. Ready-to-use and easy to apply, it facilitates effortless removal of retarder residues from moulds


• Surface retarder paste to be applied to the mould surface (negative use)

Product Code Container Size (ltr)
ERNR-C Can 20
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